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The Rappa Nunca Tem Fim Tour was one of those huge, tiring, difficult and delightful projects to do. The year was 2012.

and thinking about going on tour with a set of this size, with video mapping, projectors and media servers is not

It was a simple thing to do.


With scenery reminiscent of the docks of Brazilian ports and video graphics created especially for each song,

the show turned into a very interesting cinematic musical journey.


The tour's debut show was broadcast live on Multishow.




Artistic Director - Tito Sabatini

Stage Design - Cassio Amarante

Set Design - Luis Oliveira and Avelino Los Reis

Art Director - Amir Admoni

Motion Design - Amir Admoni, Fernando Costa, Yuki, Caio Gandolfi and Rafael Murador

#shows #events #documentary

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